Daniel Bayless

Daniel Bayless, PhD

Principal Investigator

Path to Salk: I was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I earned a BA in Psychology from the University of Oklahoma. After undergrad, I moved to New Orleans where I earned a PhD in Neuroscience from Tulane University while working in Jill Daniel’s lab. After grad school, I moved to the Bay Area to complete my postdoctoral training in Nirao Shah’s lab at UCSF and Stanford. In Sept 2023, I joined the Salk Institute as an assistant professor.

Research Interests and Goals: Creating a work environment where lab members feel supported, energized, and safe while conducting experiments to better understand the effects of experience and sex hormones on neural circuits underlying social behavior.

Outside-the-lab Interests: Music, mostly appreciating others making it but also playing some myself.

Twitter: @DanielBayless

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MFJBelYAAAAJ&hl=en

Email: dbayless@salk.edu